If you are experiencing a crimp in the flow of any part of your life (health, wealth, creative expression, love) you likely have some forgiveness work to do – either in forgiving yourself, others, life, or Spirit/God/The Universe.
Anything that remains unhealed in our lives truly stems from a story of separation. This story of separation causes constriction of the flow of Divine Good in our experience.
To heal the belief in separation is one of the most POWERFUL practices we can undertake. The Tao of Forgiveness workshop is an experiential and contemplative process that will shift the belief in separation in a profound way.
December 10, 2022
12PM Pacific - 2:30PM PT
1PM MT / 2PM CT / 3PM ET
Forgiveness puts an end to the illusion of separation. It allows for the flow of loving kindness and compassion for ourselves and for others in a way that heals our hurts, calms our fears and frustrations, and dissolves our anger.
Based on wisdom teachings from the Tao Te Ching and New Thought Spiritual teachings, we will learn and experience a profound practice of forgiveness through:

• unravelling our old story
• exploring inner wisdom through meaning-making and feelings
• releasing the old story and integrating our inner wisdom
• weaving a new story
December 10, 2022
12PM Pacific - 2:30PM PT
1PM MT / 2PM CT / 3PM ET
Please email Tammy@1LoveAwakening.com for questions, coaching, or speaking opportunities.