In the tumultuous uncertainty of today’s world, how do we remain grounded in our Spiritual Principles – knowing that we are One, knowing that the Universe is a Wholeness that is expressing in, through, and as everything, and feeling safe to be ourselves?
How do we remain open-hearted and compassionate towards those who are experiencing suffering OR causing suffering, those who are feeling isolated OR are building walls of separation, those who are asleep to their own magnificence OR are awakening to their Higher Selves?
Parker J Palmer writes: “The soul is generous: it takes in the needs of the world. The soul is wise: it suffers without shutting down. The soul is hopeful: it engages the world in ways that keep opening our hearts… All we need to do is to bring down the wall that separates us from our own souls and deprives the world of the soul’s regenerative powers.”
Join Rev Tammy for a book study of this incredible work by Parker J Palmer, A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward An Undivided Life, based on his life’s work with Circles of Trust. We will study together to nurture ourselves and support each other in bringing our full, undivided selves into the world in deeply meaningful expression. We will create space for the unfoldment of a loving, authentic community. And will learn how to offer ourselves, each other, and the world the Soul Medicine that is our love.
A Hidden Wholeness
The Journey Toward an Undivided Life, by Parker J Palmer
Sundays - September 10, 17, 24, October 1, 8
5:00pm Pacific/7:00 PM Central
Learn what time it is in your time zone - Click Here.
Via Zoom (recording will be made available)
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